In ancient times, ceramic tiles mounted on the building testified to the prestige and wealth owners. Made of high quality products have been characterized by exceptional durability in the tens and even hundreds of years. Just look at the roofs of the medieval Gothic cathedrals, to inquire about its timelessness. In the contemporary classical building roof tiles still enjoys great popularity, although the competition comes to them, though less expensive and slightly lighter concrete counterparts. traditional roofs still dominates in terms of aesthetics and durability. Shingles can not be compared with either corrugated metal or any type of tar mats, retention rarely exceed 30 years. Meanwhile, much less weatherproof concrete tiles should not cause a problem for a period twice long. At best, from time to time has to be washed with high pressure water and cover the fresh layer of acrylic paint, resistant to ultraviolet rays. Building a house for future generations so we put in the classic and proven solutions. With him came the heirs do not have to start from a pomieszkiwania costly major repairs throughout the property.
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