After these months of travel so intense too many mixed emotions and ideas in my head, I needed some time to see and understand a little of everything we passed.
W poprzednim odcinku glownie bylo od io Czeska Czesku, wiec mnie Teraz czas na na ... oto kilka nowinek Radom-Barbens Trasi, zatracajac or zaprzyjaznione inne miejsca.
Suivant the dernière entrée sur le blog voici faite par Francesc a petit mot de ma part Tissé Pologne depuis ma ville jusqu'à in a village perdu dans des terres Catalans.
After a year of wandering so intense through South America a lot of emotions and ideas mingled in my head and I, we two, we needed the time to be able dégirer that.

Umysl Czeska w ... lutym
Francesc's brain in February ...

iw marcu ...
and March ....

El caos siempre Navega that in mid cabeza, Aún se hizo más grande, con un pie en Sudamérica Aún, otro en Polonia con mi familia, otro en Francia con mis amigos con otro oy mi nueva familia en Cataluña ... Perdida y yo en medio ... sin saber donde agarrarme ...
... and my taking up for a chaotic all at once and pogubienie between kolaczaca still in thoughts and heart of America, Poland, which gave him, abandoned by France, which for many years was my home, and Spain, which begins new stage of my wanderings prez life.
chaotique De la nature, avec encore l'Amérique du Sud dans la tête, la Pologne où je vais voir has famille, la France qui était mon pays pendant 7 ans et qui me manque parfois et l'Espagne où je commence à vivre, je me sens perdue et parfois sans savoir où m'accrocher.
The return to Europe after so long is not easy. And even less stable with nothing around. No home, no job. All for a fresh start for me again in a new country. Next stop: Spain, Catalonia forgiveness, forgiveness part of the world ...
Kapuscinski As I said, 'When all is said and done, the journey starts when we get on the road or just when we reach the destination. actually starts much earlier and almost never ends because the tape Memory does not stop turning inside us take longer than the body without moving from site '
But ultimately, the most important journey and perhaps most difficult is that you make yourself ...
listen to our friend Javier, who lived is back after a long journey and I said that when the fears come, just breathe, and remember every moment of the trip that were resolved when it seemed a dead
always try to think that everything happens for a reason ...
Kapuscinski writes in Travel with Herodotus: "The journey does not begin after the time when we go on the road, and does not end when we reached the finish line. In fact, starts much earlier and virtually never ends, because the memory strip turns into us on, even though they have long since we do not touch the place ... "
I do not even matter if we go this far or close anyway because the longest and most important journey is a trip into siebie.
I can not stop moving for a year and a few months and what I dream is now a place I can call mine, where I have my business for me, my corner, neighbor that recognizes me ... my favorite bar, my friends, my life.
Recién llegados of South America, aterrizamos en casa de los padres de Francesc Lleida, a unos 160 km de Barcelona
Pierwsza z dni spedzamy rodzicami Czeska w Lleidzie , Jego miescie rodzinnym.

Remei, Frank's mother gave us a great welcome, with the house full of photos of our journey and welcome you in the door even in Polish! For her, it was also a trip that changed his life ...
Perhaps the best thing was to find new ham in the fridge ... so so ricooooo ... (Really do not understand or Francesc or vegetarians lol)
We also went to Barcelona by hitchhiking, continuing a little way we travel. And there we visited some friends until I got a plane to the Polish winter!
was time to part with after all this time Francesc together during the trip. I needed that, like him, to find myself, to know what he wanted after this trip that changed both the way of seeing things.
Mama Czeska Szeroka otwartymi wita nas z i korytarzem wyklejonym ramionami zdjeciami z naszej wyprawy, iw kibicowala mocno ktorej ktorej uczestniczyla, Buenos do przyjezdzajac na tydzien Aires. Also visit friends in Barcelona to which we go ... hitchhiking.
In the end, separated from the Czech Republic for a few weeks that could provide every spend some time with his family in their own country and to take a break from each other after being together so intense.
Remei, la mère de nous fait un Francesc accueil incroyable, avec la maison de photos remplie de notre périple. Pour elle, C'était aussi un voyage qui a l'aide de la manière de changer le monde percevoir. Nous aussi à nos visite rendons amis à Barcelone où on va en auto-stop et puis après une balade au bord de la mer qui je reste m'envole in couverte Pologne par la neige.
Before coming to my hometown, Radom, stood in Gdansk, which did not come on the way but let me after all this time feeling a little wave felt in my country.
do Radomia przez Jade Gdansk, zeby nie bylo, ze "Cudze chwalicie, Sweger znacie nie." Na nocleg zatrzymuje sie u Marty i Toma przemilej pary z polsko-niemieckiej Couchsurfing. Oprowadzaja mnie po rynku i mniej pieknym reprezentacyjnych uliczkach, zapomnianych przez sponsorow.
Before coming to my town I visited Gdansk , one of the most charming towns in northern Poland. That was not too much in the way, but after seeing other object in the world I wanted to see a little of my country.

Descubra esta linda ciudad y sus calles the mano y Marta Tom pareja alemana polaco CS
gadania Od tego w kilku jezykach Wszystko juz mi sie placze. Mowie hiszpansku do nich po, po polsku odpowiada Tom.

In the spring you start to breathe in Catalonia the harsh winter in Poland ... about 10-15 degrees below zero ... but it seems that dogs do not care
Z wiosennej zimowej prawdziwie Hiszpanii do Polski ...
Du printemps qu'il commence in Catalogne à l'hiver froid well in Pologne ...

So I decide sick for a week ...
... i grypa postanawia, ze w dni spedzam nastepnych lozku kika.
Et puis je decides tomber malade pour une semaine ...

I saw my dad the hospital, his second home
was sad to see him back there, but glad to see him and hug him again. ..
Odwiedzam mojego tate w szpitalu. Jego serce chore pracuje Coraza slabiej i to mnie CUMS, ale tak bardzo jednoczesnie ciesze sie, ze go Moge uscisnac. Z dala od rok Czasu najblizszych to bardzo duzo.
With my sister I'll see my dad at the hospital, his second home in recent times. It serves me the heart to find new there but at the same time I am very pleased to be able to hug her after so long.

Mi madre, en casa, sigue en su planeta. Inventa una nueva renovación in the house, reparando things. Always doing something and taking care often small. But also has time to relax in front the TV.
I arrived full of beautiful words about our experiences. She was glad to see me while drowning my words telling me to eat the soup before it gets cold or I better clean the hair ...
She's always on your planet ... but I know he loves me ...
Moja mama Pelnar Zycie jak zwykle, nowe wymysla remonty, naprawia, poprawia, ulepsza, wiecznie czyms Zajęta. Ale czas na ma complexion swoj Relaks szklanym ekranem przed ...
it with colorful tales from distant lands, and she interrupts me mid-sentence noting that it is rough, or, with the soup cools. Everyone on your planet. But I know they love me here and I am delighted with this visit to the house.
Cependant has mère, elle est toujours très active. Elle s'invente de nouveaux renouvellement à la maison, elle répare ce que ne va plus en faisant tout type ou du bricolage elle garde des petits fils. Mais elle a aussi son temps devant la télévision sacré.
Je commence à lui raconter mes grandes aventures de l'autre et but du monde elle me coupe parole in me disant: 'Mais mon enfant, pourquoi ne you coiffed your country? Fais quelque chose avec cheveux TES, you ne peux pas comme ca you present! " ou good 'Allez, parce qu'elle mange the soupe refroidir will be. " On vit sur une autre planète. Mais je sais qu'elle m'aimes ... et c'est ce qui compte.

We have a new family member. Mika called the dog of my parents, who filled the gap left by the grandchildren to go to my grandparents' house ...
Jest nowy complexion czlonek rodziny - Mika z wiecznie zadowolonym ogonem.
We have a new family member, a little dog named Mika.

La familia no already of crecer. Cogi in brazos has Pawelek that nacio nuestro viaje durante ... el hijo de mi hermana ...
Poznaj Tez Pawelka, synka mojej Siostry, ktory sie podczas naszej urodzil Podrozy.
The family keeps growing. I finally got to hug the little Pawelek, the second son of my sister, who was born during notre voyage.

... I looked for hours and hours to the tiny and very pretty daughter of my brother Olga was born in those days ...
I malutka Olge, cork mojego Brata, ktora wlasnie rozpoczyna swoja ziemska podroz.
... et j'ai eu le plaisir de voir toute petite the Olga née au début du mars dans la famille de mon frère ...

enjoyed inventing ... Historias con Matthew que me convierte en un gato con un toque de su dedo mágico ...
loves playing with Mateusz, draw him or listen to invent their worlds, look at what is the ingenious and creative "and laugh at me and says:" And now I will make thee Aunt female - pum. "
Joué j'avais et qui dessin avec Matthew m'avait transformer en chat avec un coup de son doigt magique ou qui me racontait imaginaire de son personnage Berok.

I will draw you my Buma colleague Adam.

... y encontramos con Adam un nuevo uso Acuarelas couple las que le traje ...
Los niños son los mejores profesores ...
And here he Adas, who just invented a new use for watercolor stains (for explanation I might add, from watching Mr. Klex). How many is it can learn from children! They are the best professors.
... et j'ai rigolé Adas avec un qui a trouvé pour les Nouvel usage que je lui ai aquarelles apported ... M'émerveillent toujours avec les enfants leur créativité et la joie de vivre. Ils sont les meilleurs professeurs.

But sometimes they rise to the head, literally ... not let you do anything else ... unable to speak with the young mothers
Chociaz doslownie wchodza czasem na i spokojna pogawedka glowe breast okazuje ich sie z niemozliwa.
... sauf quand ils ne me laissent pas tranquille a moment pour parler avec leur maman.
por suerte, y entre risas lloros box escaparme a conocer la vida de mi ciudad cultural, de la mano de Lukasz , que a veces se va a los bares y empieza a Cantar is falta ambiente ...
Between laughter, diapers and games descend on the city and live preview Radom. I often accompanied by Lukas, who always knows what's going on in town, and if nothing happens, then he sings, such as coffee roasters.
Heureusement between Rires des et des Pleurs m'échapper j'ai pu à explorer la vie culturelle Radom, Lukasz souvent avec mon ami, qui est toujours well informed of passe dans ce que la ville ... et s'il passe rien, il invent des distractions, par example dans un café in chantant ...

And more about my country?
phone scams where the user has no rights, women at the desk of the station seem to have risen in recent years from their chairs and they tell you without flinching, what !!!!!? , young people who read little; apartment buildings from the communist era filled with color; politicians who engage in further discussion rather than solve problems, works and cities prepare for the European Football Championship 2012 and thousands of hooligans who are prepared also to do so; pharmaceutical invade all the advertising space on TV with their medications, supermarkets have become the new temples, many young people building their houses became more expensive than sugar, that finally seems that spring is coming ...
I co poza tym? Mobile phones studded podchwytliwymi smsami pseudo-wins and no section on the fight against the cheaters, the ladies in the ticket offices at railway station as the movie Barei kindly asking: "What!?" youth read too little, gray blocks from the old era are now colorful and motley, beautiful women and guys deficiency, the politicians argue, the television series for the show, Poland is getting ready for the European Championships in football, hooligans to their games, pharmacists seized almost the entire time advertising, supermarkets new churches , children say ads, people are being built, more expensive sugar, coffee in a glass ... spring is coming.
And what else about my country today?
telephone operators defraud customers trapped inventing games where we can only lose no possibility of a claim, the young do not read books ; the gray buildings of the communist era are now full of colors , women are always more beautiful than men, Poland is preparing for the European Championship football in 2012 ... and the hooligans are preparing for their championship too, have invaded almost all pharmacists space publicitaire dans la télé avec ses médicaments qui vont faire heureux you, they supermarchés sont des nouveaux devenus temples, les gens nouveaux construisent maisons, le prix du sucre to augment, you printemps

after several weeks when I get used again to my country, it is time to leave again. The last days were spent visiting friends in Warsaw that he saw no long-standing
seems that peace has long been in Europe and that wars only happen in other Lados pero vi una expo sobre el bombardeo de Varsovia en 1939 que mucho me Toco. No haber tenido Agradezco Pasar por que eso.
After a few weeks I start to tame and get used to the Polish. Meanwhile, pop off time in the world, write a book and conquer new territories. Last days I spend in Warsaw, where I visit friends I have not seen ... which also record the beauty of a photo exhibition about the inhabitants of the capital during a bombing in September 1939 and I think myself as well, I should come to live in peace times.
Et quand après quelques semaines ici them commence à nouveau à m'habituer de mon pays, il est temps de partir.

Who would tell myself that one day end up here. 600habitantes in a small village 35km from Lleida. The official version is that we have hidden from the press that haunts us to write our book. The reality is that we squatted the house of the grandparents of Francesc ...
Barbens to bad wies katalonska, 35 km od Lleidy. Oficjalna wersja jest taka, ze przed ukrywamy your weszaca sie za nami dopytujaca Prasa a book, which supposedly write. And just between us, that we are here, because nothing we do not want to do, and already at least come back in the clutches of the system, in which sits most of you. Well, the third version, the most honest, is somewhere between the emphasis on: we try to live our language, eat a healthy, humbly and creatively.
Et on se retrouve Voici avec un petit dans Francesc village perdu pas trop loin de Lleida. La version officielle nous dit que nous de la presse cacherons qui nous écrire pour notre Poursuite sur le livre voyage. Et la vérité est que nous squattons la maison des grands-parents de Francesc sans envie de retourner à la vie 'normal'. Ok, la troisieme version, la plus honnete est entre ces deux.
the Polish village in the sense it can not look, but I assure you, from behind the houses spread out the fields and lakes, wakes us from the birds chirping or the sound of speeding tractor lines between the apple trees and peaches.
Peut-être pour mes polonais ce n'est pas un vrai avec tout ce village béton, mais je vous assure que ces maisons Derriere on peut voir ceci:

- Aneta : not because these days I get to speak in Polish.
-Francesc : okay, so I have to lend not care and I can keep my things ...
- Ja : mam ostatnie Jakos do Ochota mowic CIEB po polsku ... - Czesiek : To dobrze. Nic rozumiejac denies, denies MUSZ Co. sluchac i Moge sie na skupic pisaniu.
- Aneta : I do not know because these days it leaves me more natural to talk to you in Polish ... - Francesc : very well, so, without understanding anything, no need to listen and I can focus on e book hehe

Skonczylo sie rocking after dzungach. Time to stand eye to eye with the world uczesanym. Cuts Czeskowi rams and on the occasion of a finger.
Il est temps de reprendre un look plus 'Civilis' ... on est plus dans la jungle ...
linda es la casa. Llena la terraza de sol durante el dia. Pero esta casa es de pueblo y la gélida se convierte en estufa nuestra amiga ... Inseparable
Czesiek during my absence arranged a house on real realm to work comfortably, skillfully and without scatterers. When outside sonce begins to let myself in the characters in the middle kamiennych grubych naszego scianach domku or jest jak w lodowce, wiec sie naszym przenosny Piecyk staj najblizszym przyjacielem.

During the journey we dreamed of having our own space. And Aneta found this room to suit ... with this collection of historic dolls have been many stories of the family of Frank ...
A oto moj wymarzony, tylez oczekiwany, wlasny kat! Moj Personal and only room for me! Well, maybe the taste of wallpaper ugodziy me flowers, the debauchery, but a collection of dolls and what can the war knew commands respect. When you leave the Czech grandmother for Christmas and see your house unless it is immediately increase pressure hehe.
Et Voici, en fin, no pièce à moi, mon petit coin tant rêve depuis un an ... bon d'accord, ce peut être pas exactement ce dont j'ai rêve comme déco mais il ... faut que je dois avouer du Respect and de cette collection qui sont poupées peut être plus de moi agées.

We went exploring the town. The grandmothers recognize Francisco, the son who returns after many years and say, -Nen! Taant creixis No! (-Boy! Grow not much!)
Elsewhere tell Aneta, Catalan, of course:
"Welcome to town! Already speak Catalan?
explore the town a little more and go to Mass on Sunday. The seriousness is maintained until the time of giving peace, when the church becomes a market and grandmothers start a charlar con unas otras ...
We first scout in the village. Grandmothers in the store recognize Czech and can not believe that so he grew. And talk to me patting me on the shoulder: Welcome to Barbens! Destined already in Catalan? On Sundays the masses descend. Aunt atmosphere as the birthdays: all know each other, telling each other what happened since last Sunday, the voice whispers, joking. At the end of the Mass begins, and when the priest says: "And now convey a sign of peace," people go out of the pews, people came in turn to their friends, almost all in all, greet each other effusively, pogaworza moments with each, umowia sie 'na Potema' zasmieja czy zazartuja, jak kolo mnie pani z kolejnej do babci lawki: "No muchacha, Koncz to gadanie na tylach, odwracaj sie juz w moja strone.
We go out to explore a little village. Grandmothers recognize Francesc, the son who returns after so many years and say: "Nen! Not creixis Taanta! (This, translated from Catalan means profound: - The child! Do grow as much!)
And me say, Catalan course: -Welcome to the village! You ever speak Catalan? m'affoler For a little more I going à la messe du dimanche. Au moment de 'is donner la paix', l'ambiance is BECOME celle d'un marché ou les grand-mères à Chatter commencent join them in chouchoutant avec les autres et en échangeant well fort des sourire, des blagues, des Nouvelles de la semaine ... la paix, quoi!

So to integrate myself, I pointed to Catalan classes for moms Judith gives foreigners living in the village ...
Moroccans, Algerians, Gambian, Romanian y. .. Polish! My town se puede Sentir la globalización? Y los que compruebo polacos el mundo siguen colonizando! jeje
I also learned about free classes for mothers of foreign Catalan. Mother may I'm not great but I get it in August. "And now, introduce yourself in Catalan our new colleague from Polish Aneta" - says Judith, our teacher - and that meets my first friend: Algieryjke, Gambijke, 5 Moroccan, Romanian and ... Polke. Since neither I found out later that our village is more and that conquest had already taken place many years ago.
m'intégrer Pour un peu plus, they commence les classes du catalan que donne Judith aux mamans Vivent étrangères qui au village. Des Marocains, Algériens, joins Gambienne, Roumain et des ... autre joins polonaise! Dans ce tout petit village feel globalization on peut! Je ne pouvais m'imaginer that je vais jamais trouver months and countrymen ... et Pourtant il and a plus!

At home there are other problems ... we were visited by the tailless salamanders every day have more confidence ... we could invite her to continue her life out with the broom before it reaches my grandmother and jump with fright!
Tymczasem mamy w domu Krokodyl ... no dobra, jaszczurke .. i to z urwanym ogonem Chodziez zwykle po ... balkon, ale czasem sie zaczyna spoufalac zaprasza sie i do Środki.
But at home ... we had a visit from the salamander tail every day without taking more confidently and bravely approached us like a fox to the Little Prince. We will tame it, then we will become friends.
Este es nuestro rincón de conexión con la naturaleza. Our da el Solecito y los lindos escuchamos pájaros ...

... although some are not so cute with Aneta
Ogolnie Mieszko your bardzo nam sie ...
przyjemnie The trip was a strong emotional rollercoaster ups and downs. And that sometimes follows. So while Frank goes up and down without stopping at times ... I try to make a thermometer ...
Roczne podrozowanie spedzanie Razem ze soba i 24 godzin na dobe bywalo niezdrowym przedawkowaniem, Gdzies Milosc scierala czy sie z nienawiscia mowiac lagodniej zmeczeniem drugim. Dzisiaj, kiedy nad pracujemy Wspólna Ksiazka i nadal spedzamy Prawit Caly czas sie nam Razem zdarzaja podobne momenty. Kiedy w Czesiek POPAD skrajnosci, ja robie za Thermometer.
The trip was a Russian mountain of emotions with high rises and falls where we did not know that loves or hates it. And sometimes it follows here. Thus, while there Francesc goes up and down without stopping I turn into a thermometer.
Uprawiamy wycieczki rowerowe complexion, np. nieodleglej do wsi, Gdzies mieszkaja drudzy dziadkowie Czeska i Jego kuzyn Ruben, ktory studiuje i praktykuje medycyne odslania alternatywna i bardzo nam Rabka tajemnicy ciekawych praktyk.

Sometimes parents receive visits ... Francesc that vienen a comer el Fin de Semana ...
Czasem odwiedzaja znajomi nas lub np. rodzice Czeska ...
We are a little separated from everyone here, yet ... but we get visits ...

recibimos ... y notícias de amigos lejanos Pesare has the señal débil of our Internet con el mundo ... Conecta
Pisz I do nas bliscy ...
our friends write ...
El pueblo tranquilo pero parece los Fines de semana tenemos vecinos en la casa de al lado. Saltamos al tejado y de su casa desde ahi de las disfrutamos puestas de sol que no podemos ver desde nuestra terraza ...
Every day I discover something new in the village and learns more and more new people. Today our neighbor Irene, invited us to come to the roof, because we have no view on the meadows and fields from the balcony.
Les week-ends nous avons des voisins dans la maison d'à côté. Nous sur le toit montant de leur maison et nous avons depuis une vue magique sur la campagne.
And with them go to the calçotada Sunday. For those who do not know, the calçot is a kind of onion that is eaten with the fingers and smearing sauce ... nyam! The party is full of kids. Meanwhile, in Poland , it seems that men are scarce ... the world is not evenly distributed ...
... to nastepnego dnia na impreza wiejska calçotada Zwan ... od nazwy w roli malych cebulek wystepujacych glownej, ktore sie na smazy ognisku, sciaga opalona Skorka i ze zajada smakiem. Oto na relacja zywo:
And thanks to them we will celebrate the 'calçotada' Sunday. For those who do not know, the calçots are a kind of onion is eaten with fingers dipped in a sauce ... nyam! The party is full of boys. Meanwhile, in Poland, it seems that men are missing ... the world is not evenly distributed ... !

pueblito En este, como cualquier otro del mundo in, las notícias vuelan. Y a la fiesta of chico me dice:
- Me han dicho hay una Polaca nueva that in el pueblo que vive con un joven escritor! Eres tú!
How zdazyliscie probably note that the boys there is no shortage, so this excess kobitek Polish, these 17 scie which is from 117 to 100 guys, let them not only worried about the harvest arrives here and other hunting; )
Meanwhile, as in the village, a rumor quickly carries. Today, one boy says to us: "I heard that arrived here a new Polka, who lives with some young writer. It's meant for you?! ")
Les mots ne sont pas nécessaires ici ... c'est l'Atmosphère de la jeunesse reell barbensiene and surrounding ...
In this village, as in any other world, news is spread very quickly. A boy of the party addressed me: They told me there is a new Polish village who lives with a young writer! Then it's you!?
este es el ambiente real de la juventud y alrededores barbensiana ...

and occasionally went down to Lleida, to see friends, buy food or to see Carlos, our friend who was so present throughout our trip.
Carlos, who has a workshop of people with drug problems, and left some time ago in these virtual pages. He and Laura, live longer than anyone in the world, its home in the woods, present, alert, curious ...
Innym to my ruszamy Razem ze wsi sie, np. z Spotkania na naszym przyjacielem Carlosem, ktory jest i wychowawca psychologiem socjalnym therapist, ale przede all living proof that we live here and now, in present time and not between wishful thinking and contemplation, because only the present time we have influence.
De temps en temps nous allons à Lleida acheter de la nourriture ou voir notre ami Carlos, un psy-thérapeute-éducateur social qui fait l'atelier pour les toxicomanes (et que nous nous servent a quand on se toxiques sent trop l'un envers l'autre).

Otras veces me voy por unos días sola, tener tiempo couple bowls y cosas por ejemplo con quedar Remei, la madre de Francesc y Neus, con quienes tengo muy buena onda.
Sometimes a separation and I go alone to meet with city kobitkami, such as the Czech mother, which I really like that the Neus, which already offered me to teach her children the figure.
Each has its own way, and their affairs, which it occupies, and sometimes the second life would do next, in order to force all write back, eat more regularly, to visit, and there surely must have to live alone. But I know that I think about you all and miss, and thanks for all the meetings and this is something we are learning from you.
Sometimes I explore the neighborhood or the city next one and I am making new friends. Neus my intention to give breaks drawing his children and after the first class she is already thinking of organizing a grope greater. It is nice not to have a small seuement work but also because I love working with children and I do not know who more fun, them or me.
And here is the life we \u200b\u200blead here at the moment. A big kiss to you all and we expect from you.
Aneta and Francesc
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