seems that the election results are not very encouraging ...
continue to ours ..
today we come to an event that filled us with joy ..
newspaper Segre, Lleida city, we did a story about our trip to South America
Neus i Mikel were the authors of the report and we collaborate with drawings and photos ..
more than any place we saw, what makes us happiest is to see in these pages to families and people we met and gave us so much love ...
sorry for all those who do not leave and we would like ... but for that we have the book ... that dream seems closer every day ..
thousands of hugs to all
* you can click on photos to enlarge and read the text
* the text is in Catalan but I hope you can pretty much understand

Gloria and Albeiro and all our dear family ChinchinĂ¡, Colombia (left)
Augusta, the lovely grandmother of our friend Paul in Argentina (der)
Angelica and Gerardo , at his coffee in the Peruvian jungle (left)
Elio and Maudelina , which assisted us in his stay in rainy south Chilean (der)
Gloria and all the wonderful children United Palmitas in Salento, Colombia (der)
Rosa and Gaspar on his farm in northern Ecuador (der)
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