In Germanic mythology, Wodan, also known by the names of Wotan, Woden or wuotan, was the god of war and also a master of magic. Odin was the Norse equivalent (according to some sources, could be its ancestor), who borrowed, for example, two wolves, which presented him with the artists. He has also considered the patron saint of farmers, poets and Wodan mędrców.Czciciele believes he has the power to decide the victory in battle, but also treatment of disease or zsyłania. They prayed to him, asking, among other things, to assist in healing wounds in combat ("bone on bone, blood to blood, body to body"). Interestingly, the ancient Romans recognized Wodan the curious figure of Mercury, the god of commerce, etc. Anglo-Saxons used the name of the deity in a slightly different spelling - Woden. He served as part of the word "Wednesday", which today means a Wednesday, a day before the trade. similar loans can be found in Danish and Norwegian. Germanic mythology god of war is now considered a very utilitarian. In this exact name functions including building a national network of warehouses as well as a resort on the lake, located in the "death."
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