pavement bricks are used for construction of roads. We also gather material for the realization of parking, playgrounds, roads and warehouses of the factory. They are also used for lining the sewers. In the market there are many companies offering systems clinker of the stairs, lift and floors, walls, etc Klinkiery is associated with high quality materials, which can be achieved by selecting appropriate species from clay deposits national best clay. Moreover, this effect is achieved using the method of production of clinker, which is called "pulling." The inevitable is here and the latest technology used for those products. The clinker is fired at 1080 degrees C for approximately 60 hours. This allows you to achieve a natural look and aesthetic products with unprecedented functionality and durability. The technical parameters of clinker in Poland are able to significantly exceed all standards imposed by the European requirements. Klinker has a low absorption, and is resistant to frost and acids in the atmosphere and soil.
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