Sunday, January 30, 2011
Milani Modell Boat Plans
What did the man in the morning?
What have you done in your work?
Where have lunch / eat?
- What have you done after the meal?
- Where has gone after work?
- How was your second day?
- Who has seen through the window?
- How have spoken?
- How was your third day?
- photocopying What?
- How has decorated her fridge?
- What happened between the couple?
- What happened the next day?
- How have you felt the boy?
- How has finished this story?
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Gel Nails For Baby Shower
a English city - BCN
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Multiplayer Rpg -free
Know these gestures? What do they mean in Spain? And what do you use gestures in Polish? "Mean the same thing? Watch this video
Dime en los Comentarios opinion here. No te olvides de dejar nombre here.
Polish :-) Do you know these gestures? What is the meaning in English? And you, what gestures you in Poland? means the same as the English?
Watch this video

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Stacked Microwavetoaster Oven
Military ... Even I get bored, but this gift is not denied: P
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Does Cvs Sell Xbox Live 1 Month
our journey ends here. But not really finished but still, our trip this time continues in Europe, because life itself is a journey and every day and every game to tell us and teach something new if we walk with eyes open, if we learn to live 'here and now'
Trying to summarize these 11meses travel is like trying to reduce a huge colorful fireworks in the tiny cartuchito that contained a few moments ago.
traveling time expanded to the point of turning these 11meses Gregorian calendar year of learning for the time of the soul; most fertile time that the best universities, while more revealing than any sermon preached from the altar to seek to control our minds, religious shrines or altars in the offices of skyscrapers, all claim to lead them all in the same direction. This direction restricts human freedom, which prevents us from discovering the best of each of us who sleep if we keep a watchful eye and that makes our lives to watch you eat the sand without us noticing.
South America was, is and will be an incredible continent with incredible natural wealth but with an even greater human wealth, and now presents the exciting task of writing a book about this trip .
South connected to ground us , with Mother Earth, that they do not stop abuse and every time we pulled into our cities more concrete, full of technology that instead of approaching us away and makes us strangers.
America sent us many signs , as vine ayahuasca , the rope that connected us to the rhythm of drums and shaman chants with our inner world and the universe, that after all end up being one; or so many dogs, cats or monkeys without invitation approached many times to our vera , perhaps attracted by the good energy to share a piece of existence (either with or without fleas) or so and so many people who taught us that it is better to give than to accumulate and is beautiful sharing.
This trip took us from the simplicity and harshness of life in villages of the Andes, where the world people are reduced to a few km, to cities such as Buenos Aires and Santiago, where these giant magnets population can bring together the best and worst. The cities are a source of art, movement, change, resistance and oblivion at the same time, of slums, lives ruined, of frustration at being forced to live in a tiny piece of cement.
wonderful it was to decide to make us this gift; save to travel for nearly a year where we have not had the obligation to work. Where our soul, our faithful companion, it began moving through this endless continent to the music sung by others, no plans, no schedules, many times without beds of white sheets but many others in the world's best hotel, that a thousand stars that we could see from our tent. The tight budget prevented us from reaching many sites all guides said 'we' to visit. But this was exactly what he enriched our trip, the spontaneity, not knowing where we would sleep often or that would be our next step, let us always find wonderful people and special places. What good is letting go, or for example being able to live a year without phone. And do not expect anything, and learn that everything is for something and everything, however bad it may end up teaching us something.
The most difficult journey has certainly been the trip between us, Cesc and Aneta, Aneta and Cesc, we tested our relationship and we've burned several times, waiting around appease us a little, wanting to meet so many projects together.
So many we have opened the doors of your home , we have seen him laugh or mourn, full of energy or exhaustion, elegant to dance a tango or covered with dust. I deeply want to thank the smile returned, that walk by your favorite places, the shoulder to mourn, that bed to rest, this dish warm and made with love shared at the table where we felt at home; those thousands of miles in the cab of the truck, moving in endless roads, the stop on the road to try some sweets or for stargazing in the desert, this desire to show the Amazon rainforest like the garden of your house, or Colombian coffee they feed you, or the teachings to grow a garden.
Hopefully the ocean that separates us shrinks something hard and this trip was meeting great people and then say goodbye; people who would love to have around in our lives; I hope that some you can come visit because our doors are always open, always waiting to receive you. Thanks to you we have always found the strength to go on this trip, where has been the most incredible human encounter
ste E blog has been our way to publicize our trip, our baby steps, and began as something small and fills us every time we read comments, as someone who changed a little their way to travel thanks to read us, or the Polish girl that we discovered by chance and now look for books read, or whenever we get a message from the Police in Peru follower of our blog, or Luis de Mexico, known only the distance and we respond with beautiful poems and thoughts, this blog has already made long ago to be something to fill our ego, it became something more beautiful, something that concerns us all, we are all brothers.
And remember a mute boy we knew in the Andes, who was alone, like a lost animal, touching to see that we were made. And sadly, we also saw many computers, cyber-cafés crammed into dark, shooting zombies with so many children, crying and winning wars impossible in video games, the cancer that prevents us from thinking that leads us to another reality to forget our own.
E l trip took us to a humble house of an Indian family in Ecuador, where we share corn and boiled potatoes on the floor, without needing anything more, and also led us to the luxury of Buenos Aires, where barbecue and wine clouded our senses.
C ow more you have the more you want and the big problem the world is ego, which wants more and more material things and that leads people to power, and abuse of power; and wars, extortion, the bleeding from distant lands for the benefit of your own.
E No change, if we learn to live with less (physically) then we can realize the things that matter most; then we can live with the objects of our service, instead of being slaves of many contracts, credit cards, video games , televisions and technological gadgets
Q ue good would that 'lucky' to live called 'first world' we were more aware that our 'welfare state' is based on the exploitation of other countries and that every time we have more products for the entire world on the shelves of our supermarkets as more and more people of the world is torn from their homelands to be forced to go and live in cities infinite 10 or 20 million people.
A lgo also learned is that everyone in this world has its way forward and to understand that respect is the way, the path to eliminating racism, to listen to others .
M ost do not even have the chance to glimpse the way, buried beneath the poverty, the miserable conditions at work and unable to get an education and a culture of quality; backbreaking day after day to bring home potatoes or rice.
P ut on the other end of the world are those who have everything , where some work tirelessly and then wasting money to buy their second or third car, or the latest cell phone or sneakers who come for the new season. And that is added to the noise of the city, the works, the music never stops ringing the ipod, to help us forget ourselves. Some much and others so little
T lso we remember those who left and those who came. It was the father of my friend Dani, also the father of Silvia and Doris, in Trujillo and the mother of our friend Bernie, which, with his boundless energy, encouraged a bachelor party in Barcelona. They came into this world the small Pawel, Aneta nephew, and the small Lorenzo, Chilean land, and the son of Paola, which absorbed much wisdom safe in the belly of her mother, traveling to South America, and perhaps the girl or boy Cris and Fermin, which still have no news. And we also look forward to the 4 th and Aneta nephew Gabriel, who will be born in Santiago prontito.
I close my eyes and see on board a motorcycle taxi through the jungle of Peru , enjoying full speed as children, watching the people and ignoring the mosquitoes for a while.
close them again and I'm in Colombia , on top of a mountain cold, lying near the fire, traveling between my mind and reality, accompanied by chants and drums of our shaman
And suddenly I'm in Ecuador , celebrating the arrival of summer, the Inti Raymi, in an Andean village, dancing in circles to the rhythm of the flute and chicha.
Now I am in Bolivia , in a village without running water, crouched on the river with some children fetching water from a small hole, then take it to the cas a.
I open, close them and I'm in Argentina in the Velez stadium, jumping and singing the songs of the fans, who never ceases to cheer their team.
And now Chile, lying on the floor, watching the stars in the Atacama Desert.
The last close;
I'm home;
see my father, my mother ...
soon will I see my sister and my friends
and Aneta soon fly to Poland to see her family ...
............ .................................................. .................................................. ...........
Est ce tout?
Tenter of summarized these 11 months travel would like to reduce huge multicolored fireworks in small cartridges that contained before.
time lengthens by traveling to the point of converting the 11-month Gregorian calendar in years learning more fruitful time than most universities, weather, more revealing than any sermon, n ' matter which company who claim to lead us all in the same direction. This direction which cuts human freedom, which prevents us to enjoy the best of ourselves, including that fact that the sand clock consummation our life without one noticing account.
The South America was, is and will be a memorable continent with incredible natural wealth and human wealth as much stronger. And now this is the exciting work of writing a book about this trip.
The Latin America connects us with the Earth, the Mother Earth with it that we do not stop abusing or forgotten in our world of cement cities, full of technology which, instead of us bring us away and make us foreigners.
This trip brought us from the simple to the harshness of life in small villages in the Andes the world where people are reduced to a few kilometers to large cities such as Buenos Aires and Santiago, where these giant magnets population can meet the best and the worst. Cities are fountains of art, movement, change, resistance and at the same time forgetting, misery, damaged lives, a frustration to be forced to live in a small piece of cement.
How wonderful was to decide to give us this gift ; to save money to travel for almost a year where we did not have the obligation to work. Where is our soul, a loyal friend of our body, has being articulated by Africa endless sound of music sung by the others, no plan, no timetables, often without beds with white sheets but several others in the world's best hotel, one of a thousand stars that we saw from our tent. This small budget prevented us to reach many places that all the guides said "a visit". But this is even that has enriched our journey, spontaneity, and often does not know where we sleep or that would be our next step, we always have uncovered some wonderful people and special places.
it is good to be led, and for example he could live a year without a cell phone. Do not wait, and learn that everything is for something and all the evil he may be, may ultimately teach us something.
The hardest trip was, without doubt, the journey between us and Cesc Aneta, Aneta and Cesc, we have to test our relationship and we burned a few times, hoping that the return calms us a little, wanting to accomplish so many other projects together.
You've both opened the doors of your home, you saw us laugh or cry; full of energy and exhausted; elegant dance a tango or dusty. We want to deeply thank you for that smile given, these walks on your favorite places, that shoulder to cry on, this bed to rest, this hot plate and made with love shared on that table where we felt like home, these thousands of miles in the cab of a truck, advancing on endless roads, this stop on the road to find some goodies or for stargazing in the desert, this desire to show us the Amazon as if it was the garden your home, or coffee Colombian give you food, or education to grow an orchard.
What ocean separates us from being intimidated by the highlight of the trip which was great to know people and then say farewell to people we love to be close in our lives that some come to visit us since the doors of our house will always be open. Thanks to you, we've always found the strength to continue this journey, which was the most incredible human encounter .
Blog This was our way of comuniquer with our families and friends and share with them this wonderful journey.
People have begun to write comments, often with their reflections on life and a lot of you shared this experience with us.
long time ago this blog stopped being something just to satisfy our ego, we have all transformed into a genuine event, which brings us closer because we are one big family.
And I remember a mute child we experienced in the Andes, who wanders like a lost cub, in touching us to see what we were made. And sadly we have seen many computers, cyber cafes crammed into dark and so many children zombies pulling, screaming and winning wars impossible in video games, this cancer that prevents us from thinking, which leads to a Another reality to forget our own.
"The more I have, the more I want." We want more and more and more material things, and that's what people taken him to power and abuse power, wars, extortion, bleeding from distant countries, for the benefit of everyone for themselves ...
But if we learn to live with less (physically), then we can report on things that matter most, then we can live with objects our service, instead of being slaves as contracts, credit cards, video games, televisions and technological gadgets.
It would be good if the "lucky" to live in the so-called "first world" are increasingly aware that our "welfare state" is based on the exploitation of other countries and that whenever we have more products in the world in our supermarket shelves as more and more people in the world are forced to leave their land to live in cities endless 10 or 20 million.
Something we learned is that everyone in this world has its way forward and understand the path that leads to compliance , the path that eliminates racism, and where you listen to the other . Some do not even have the opportunity to see their way, living in poverty, squalor and unable to work receive a quality education.
But in the other end of the world we are the ones who have everything, where some are working tirelessly to immediately waste money to buy their second or third car, the latest model cell or slippers that come for the new season. And add to that the noise of the city, work, music by I'pods running loop ... all to help us forget ourselves.
I close my eyes and I vote on a motorcycle taxi in Peru Forest, enjoying a Child of speed, on seeing people and ignoring the mosquitoes for a while. I close them again and I'm British , atop a mountain cold, lying near the fire, traveling between my mind and reality, accompanied by chants and drums of our shaman. And suddenly I'm Ecuador , celebrating the arrival of summer, the Inti Raymi in an Andean village, dancing in a circle to the rhythm of the Quena and chicha. I now find myself in Bolivia , In a village with no drinking water in the river curved, leaving the water from a well with a few children to immediately take her home. I open them, close them and I'm Argentina, the stadion, excited, watching the match from futball Vélez, jumping and singing hymns of fans who continue to encourage their team. And now Chile, lying on the ground, watching the stars in the Atacama Desert.
I close one last time I'm already at home, I see my father, my mother and soon I will see my sister and my friends ... and Aneta soon returns to Poland to see his ...
So ends our journey, but it does not end ... on the contrary, a new stage begins, this time in Europe, because that life itself is a journey and every day and every game brings something and we learn.
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To try to resume these 11 months of trip is like to try to reduce an enormous multicolored fireworks in the minuscule cartridge that was containing it a few moments ago.
South America sent to us many signs, as the liana of ayahuasca, this cord that connected us to the rhythm of drums and chamanistic singings with our inside world and with the universe, that after all end up by being one; or so many and so many dogs, cats or monkeys that without any invitation came close to us, perhaps attracted by the good energy; maybe just to share a small piece of the existence (with fleas or without them); or so so many people who taught us that giving is better that accumulating and how beautiful is to share.
This trip took us from the simple and hard conditions of life in little Andean towns, where the world of the people reduces to few km around, up to metropolis as
Undoubtedly, the most difficult trip has been the trip between us, Cesc and Aneta, Aneta and Cesc; we have put to test our relation and have burned ourselves several times; hoping that the return should pacify us a little; dreaming to fulfill so many other projects together.
So many people have opened to us the doors of their house, have seen us laughing or crying; plethoric of energy or exhausted; elegant to dance tango or full of dust. Deeply we want to be grateful to them for this returned smile; this walk along your favorite places; this shoulder where to cry; this bed where to rest; this warm food prepared with love in this shared table where we have felt like at home; these thousands of km in the cabin of a truck, advancing in infinite highways; this stop in the highway to prove a few sweets or to contemplate the stars of the desert; this desire to show us the Amazon forest as if it was the garden of your house, or the Colombian coffee plantations that feed you, or the educations to make an orchard grow.
We wish the ocean that separates could become smaller because one of the hardest things of this trip was to know great persons and then to say good-bye; the people that we would love having closer in our life; we hope that some of you could come to visit us since the doors of our house will be always, always opened hoping to receive you. Thanks to you we have always found the power to continue this trip, where the human encounter has been the greatest
As much as we have, as much as we want. And the big problem of the world is the ego, which wants more and more material things and that takes people to the power, and to the abuse of authority; and to the wars, the extortions, the profuse bleeding of distant countries for the benefit of the proper one.
On the other hand, if we learn to live with less (materially) then we can realize the things that really matter; then we will be able to live with the objects to our service, instead of being slaves of so many contracts, credit cards, video games, televisions and technological gadgets.
How good could be that the 'lucky ones' to live in the so-called ‘first world’ we would more conscious that our 'welfare state' is based on the exploitation of other countries and that every time we have more products of the whole world in the shelves of our supermarkets while more and more people of the world are forced to leave their small ancestral pieces of land and forced to go to live to infinite cities of 10 or 20 million inhabitants.
Something that also we learned is that each one in this world has his own way; and that to understand that is the way to the respect, the way to eliminate the racism; the way to carefully listen to the other.
Many have not even the opportunity to glimpse his way, buried under the misery, the miserable work conditions and the impossibility to receive an education and a quality culture; braking their backs day by day to bring home a bit of rice or potatoes.
But in the other side of the world we are those that we have of everything; where some of them work tirelessly then to waste the money, to buy his second or third car, or the last cellular or the sneakers that come for the new period. And to that is added the noise of the city, of the works, the music of the ipod that doesn’t stop, to help us to forget ourselves. Some so much and others so few
I close the eyes and I’m on board of a mototaxi on the Peruvian jungle; enjoying as children at full speed, seeing the people pass and forgetting the mosquitoes for a little bit.
I close them again and I am in
And suddenly I am in Ecuador , celebrating the summer arrival, Inti Raymi, in an Andean little town, dancing in circle to rhythm of the ‘quena’ (Andean flute) and the chichi (Andean alcohol).
Now I am in
I open them, I close them and we are in
And now in
and I am already at home,
to see my father, my mother
and soon I will see my sister and my friends;
and also soon Aneta will fly to Poland to see theirs …
the best wishes
Aneta and Francesc
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Electrical Connectors Ped

Antes de llegar a Lima y coger el vuelo de regreso a casa, nos Queda una Ultima parade. Arequipa, la segunda ciudad del Perú, la ciudad blanca, Llamada así por el color de las Piedras que casas e iglesias construyeron. Nuestra mente está en casa ya ... Estamos en modo standby, intentando q el Reloj Corra más rapido
Arequipa, known as the white city because of the color of the stone, from which the old houses and built churches. Mislami we are already on the way home, and these last days if they are stopped in time, waiting for the moment when we already fly to Europe.
Arequipa, connue comme la ville blanche in the couleur raison de la Pierre, était dont les vieilles maisons et construites Eglise. Mentalement nous sommes déjà sur le chemin du retour. Ces Derniers jours un peu nous nous sentons suspendus dans le temps, en attendant de faire ce pas gros l'océan enjambant sautant nouveau et en Europe.
We're in the neighborhood of Sachaca, restaurant Dona Lucila, q is 94 years. Blurry and go half deaf, but is glad of our visit and invited us to an anise with chicha morada, while she supervises the cooks, couple q se Haga todo al modo tradicional, es eso: cocina de Lena y todo y Cortado molido a mano
It is said that Peruvian cuisine is delicious. We so far only cheap dinners we ate, like ordinary mortals, rice with chicken or chicken with rice. So we're going to grandma's pretty well-known restaurant Lucina, which today is already 94 years and tired of life strongly limits its duties to stand in the kitchen to her family members to cook everything as it should. Sometimes have to wait for danie nawet and two hours, because my grandmother does not agree to replace their old kitchen and five no modern inventions, but the dishes have a good fame, so there is no shortage klijentow. Potema Babcia Lucyna zarasza na nas w postaci kielonka anyzowki przepijanej chicha morada (napoje kukurydzy z).
We leave for the district Sachaca, the restaurant Madame Lucile, who is 94 years old. She no longer hears much, but she is happy with our visit and invited us to a glass of anise with chicha morena (a drink of corn). Meanwhile, she supervises her cooks, so that everything is done the traditional way.
Ah! What recuerdos de Perú! Tanto tiempo Pasamos este país q is in our sentimos como en casa los ... camareros son muy atentos, aunque a veces no tienen muy buena memoria.
After Chile, Peru everything seems so cheap! Again, going to the restaurant. The bartender is very nice, but has some problems with memory:
- One coffee please - we speak.
- One?
- Yes, one.
- one for each?
- No, one, the only one.
- Ah ok, jedna kawe, dobrze. I do kuchnia odwarca wolajac sie: Dwie Kawy dla stolika nr. 5! Dans
a restaurant in Arequipa:
- A cafe s'il vous plaît. - A? - Oui, a. - A chacun pour? - Non, a, a seul (!) - Ah ok, coffee, très bien. Le garçon goes vers la cuisine et dit: la table pour deux cafés no. 5!
We around Arequipa and the elegant man, with determination and a big smile playing his violin. Maybe a little tune, but we are stuck listening to long rato.
Z Wielka klasa w eleganckim garniturze, z pieknym spojrzeniem blekitnych oczu i rozbrajajaco szczerym usmiechem dziadziunio zrzepolil na skrzypcach niemilosiernie.
With beautiful blue eyes, innocent smile, dressed in an elegant suit, a class ... an old grandpa's purple abused mercilessly.
mochilas Nuestras dos, en los días reflejaron of hitchhiking un poco nuestra relación. Aneta siempre apoyaba su mochila en la mia, lo q me a su vez impedía coger la mia, ya q al hacerlo la suya indefectiblemente Caia. Para mi ella le faltaba a veces q confiar en podiums hacer las cosas sola ... finalmente, la encontro Solución
our backpacks while catching stand in our representative of the union in recent weeks, I resisted my backpack Czeskowy , and when he wanted to move your, this is my August flipped. By analogy, drawing on Czech accustomed that he does most things when they do manage, alone, for example, ask for directions in English or whatever.
5am, January 22. We are 5days travel and plan to go to the Colca Canyon (5 hours by bus). Without turning on the light say -know? I'm a bit lazy now, bus, dust, again over 3000m high. And if we stay? - Aneta replies -and we all on this trip. It is so good under the rug ... the alarm off and go to sleep again ... - the end, of course, we were not ...
5 rano w hotelu w Arequipa. Dzwoni budzik. Juz wczoraj Plecaki spakowane, we just got up today and catch the bus to the breathtaking Colca Canyon.
-You know what, says Mike are stretching lazily. I do not want too much to hail the bus, rushing five hours in the dust at the height of over three thousand. km ...
- That's right, it's all already altered the - answer - and so nice to be under the duvet ...
And instead of the Colca Canyon we went on the trip between the face and pillow. Oh, time to go back to homes.
Aneta on this trip all heard the views of his family. The problems of his brother, his sister, his mother's mental travels, physicists of his father. Now go and see them for a month and feels a bit (taking it as a joke!) As the shaman of the family ... q was observed that all distance problems.
our last days in Lima . Daniel, BIRTH Polish explorer of the world but at heart, our host at home. At night we went out and listened Barranco Krishna theories as we uncovering beers. Very clever, Daniel is unclassifiable, escape from convention and follow their path testing, making mistakes and try again
lover of photography. latinoamerican wife's lover,
here can ver su página web
Last day in Lima, which for the third approach seems to be in the end not that terrible. Furthermore, it appears very interesting town! And why? Remember the movie from childhood (my least) "7 wishes" and her little son is wearing a grille which had gadajacego cat? With him is about to stop. Her name is Daniel, and is an interesting Ludki, wymykajacym be under any classification, odlecialym ...
Nose Derniers jours à Lima. Daniel, bien qu'un explorateur polonais du monde de vocation, nous accueille dans sa maison. La night we go into a bar and listen to his theories reveal about Krishna and couples. Very clever and funny, a lover of photography and the Latin American woman, Daniel is unclassifiable, beyond the conventionality and follows his path by trying, making mistakes and starting to try.
mañana volvemos a casa ...
gracias por este viaje acompañarnos in ...
odlatujemy A Teraz my! Buzka dla wszystkich i dziekujemy bardzo, ze nam podczas tej towarzyszyliscie Podrozy.
Please join us in this journey ...
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Full Body Waxing For Women, Bangalore
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
White Sweater For Wedding