Antes de llegar a Lima y coger el vuelo de regreso a casa, nos Queda una Ultima parade. Arequipa, la segunda ciudad del Perú, la ciudad blanca, Llamada así por el color de las Piedras que casas e iglesias construyeron. Nuestra mente está en casa ya ... Estamos en modo standby, intentando q el Reloj Corra más rapido
Arequipa, known as the white city because of the color of the stone, from which the old houses and built churches. Mislami we are already on the way home, and these last days if they are stopped in time, waiting for the moment when we already fly to Europe.
Arequipa, connue comme la ville blanche in the couleur raison de la Pierre, était dont les vieilles maisons et construites Eglise. Mentalement nous sommes déjà sur le chemin du retour. Ces Derniers jours un peu nous nous sentons suspendus dans le temps, en attendant de faire ce pas gros l'océan enjambant sautant nouveau et en Europe.
We're in the neighborhood of Sachaca, restaurant Dona Lucila, q is 94 years. Blurry and go half deaf, but is glad of our visit and invited us to an anise with chicha morada, while she supervises the cooks, couple q se Haga todo al modo tradicional, es eso: cocina de Lena y todo y Cortado molido a mano
It is said that Peruvian cuisine is delicious. We so far only cheap dinners we ate, like ordinary mortals, rice with chicken or chicken with rice. So we're going to grandma's pretty well-known restaurant Lucina, which today is already 94 years and tired of life strongly limits its duties to stand in the kitchen to her family members to cook everything as it should. Sometimes have to wait for danie nawet and two hours, because my grandmother does not agree to replace their old kitchen and five no modern inventions, but the dishes have a good fame, so there is no shortage klijentow. Potema Babcia Lucyna zarasza na nas w postaci kielonka anyzowki przepijanej chicha morada (napoje kukurydzy z).
We leave for the district Sachaca, the restaurant Madame Lucile, who is 94 years old. She no longer hears much, but she is happy with our visit and invited us to a glass of anise with chicha morena (a drink of corn). Meanwhile, she supervises her cooks, so that everything is done the traditional way.
Ah! What recuerdos de Perú! Tanto tiempo Pasamos este país q is in our sentimos como en casa los ... camareros son muy atentos, aunque a veces no tienen muy buena memoria.
After Chile, Peru everything seems so cheap! Again, going to the restaurant. The bartender is very nice, but has some problems with memory:
- One coffee please - we speak.
- One?
- Yes, one.
- one for each?
- No, one, the only one.
- Ah ok, jedna kawe, dobrze. I do kuchnia odwarca wolajac sie: Dwie Kawy dla stolika nr. 5! Dans
a restaurant in Arequipa:
- A cafe s'il vous plaît. - A? - Oui, a. - A chacun pour? - Non, a, a seul (!) - Ah ok, coffee, très bien. Le garçon goes vers la cuisine et dit: la table pour deux cafés no. 5!
We around Arequipa and the elegant man, with determination and a big smile playing his violin. Maybe a little tune, but we are stuck listening to long rato.
Z Wielka klasa w eleganckim garniturze, z pieknym spojrzeniem blekitnych oczu i rozbrajajaco szczerym usmiechem dziadziunio zrzepolil na skrzypcach niemilosiernie.
With beautiful blue eyes, innocent smile, dressed in an elegant suit, a class ... an old grandpa's purple abused mercilessly.
mochilas Nuestras dos, en los días reflejaron of hitchhiking un poco nuestra relación. Aneta siempre apoyaba su mochila en la mia, lo q me a su vez impedía coger la mia, ya q al hacerlo la suya indefectiblemente Caia. Para mi ella le faltaba a veces q confiar en podiums hacer las cosas sola ... finalmente, la encontro Solución
our backpacks while catching stand in our representative of the union in recent weeks, I resisted my backpack Czeskowy , and when he wanted to move your, this is my August flipped. By analogy, drawing on Czech accustomed that he does most things when they do manage, alone, for example, ask for directions in English or whatever.
5am, January 22. We are 5days travel and plan to go to the Colca Canyon (5 hours by bus). Without turning on the light say -know? I'm a bit lazy now, bus, dust, again over 3000m high. And if we stay? - Aneta replies -and we all on this trip. It is so good under the rug ... the alarm off and go to sleep again ... - the end, of course, we were not ...
5 rano w hotelu w Arequipa. Dzwoni budzik. Juz wczoraj Plecaki spakowane, we just got up today and catch the bus to the breathtaking Colca Canyon.
-You know what, says Mike are stretching lazily. I do not want too much to hail the bus, rushing five hours in the dust at the height of over three thousand. km ...
- That's right, it's all already altered the - answer - and so nice to be under the duvet ...
And instead of the Colca Canyon we went on the trip between the face and pillow. Oh, time to go back to homes.
Aneta on this trip all heard the views of his family. The problems of his brother, his sister, his mother's mental travels, physicists of his father. Now go and see them for a month and feels a bit (taking it as a joke!) As the shaman of the family ... q was observed that all distance problems.
our last days in Lima . Daniel, BIRTH Polish explorer of the world but at heart, our host at home. At night we went out and listened Barranco Krishna theories as we uncovering beers. Very clever, Daniel is unclassifiable, escape from convention and follow their path testing, making mistakes and try again
lover of photography. latinoamerican wife's lover,
here can ver su página web http://www.oh.pe/
Last day in Lima, which for the third approach seems to be in the end not that terrible. Furthermore, it appears very interesting town! And why? Remember the movie from childhood (my least) "7 wishes" and her little son is wearing a grille which had gadajacego cat? With him is about to stop. Her name is Daniel, and is an interesting Ludki, wymykajacym be under any classification, odlecialym ...
Nose Derniers jours à Lima. Daniel, bien qu'un explorateur polonais du monde de vocation, nous accueille dans sa maison. La night we go into a bar and listen to his theories reveal about Krishna and couples. Very clever and funny, a lover of photography and the Latin American woman, Daniel is unclassifiable, beyond the conventionality and follows his path by trying, making mistakes and starting to try.
mañana volvemos a casa ...
gracias por este viaje acompañarnos in ...
odlatujemy A Teraz my! Buzka dla wszystkich i dziekujemy bardzo, ze nam podczas tej towarzyszyliscie Podrozy.
Please join us in this journey ...
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