To try to resume these 11 months of trip is like to try to reduce an enormous multicolored fireworks in the minuscule cartridge that was containing it a few moments ago.
South America sent to us many signs, as the liana of ayahuasca, this cord that connected us to the rhythm of drums and chamanistic singings with our inside world and with the universe, that after all end up by being one; or so many and so many dogs, cats or monkeys that without any invitation came close to us, perhaps attracted by the good energy; maybe just to share a small piece of the existence (with fleas or without them); or so so many people who taught us that giving is better that accumulating and how beautiful is to share.
This trip took us from the simple and hard conditions of life in little Andean towns, where the world of the people reduces to few km around, up to metropolis as
Undoubtedly, the most difficult trip has been the trip between us, Cesc and Aneta, Aneta and Cesc; we have put to test our relation and have burned ourselves several times; hoping that the return should pacify us a little; dreaming to fulfill so many other projects together.
So many people have opened to us the doors of their house, have seen us laughing or crying; plethoric of energy or exhausted; elegant to dance tango or full of dust. Deeply we want to be grateful to them for this returned smile; this walk along your favorite places; this shoulder where to cry; this bed where to rest; this warm food prepared with love in this shared table where we have felt like at home; these thousands of km in the cabin of a truck, advancing in infinite highways; this stop in the highway to prove a few sweets or to contemplate the stars of the desert; this desire to show us the Amazon forest as if it was the garden of your house, or the Colombian coffee plantations that feed you, or the educations to make an orchard grow.
We wish the ocean that separates could become smaller because one of the hardest things of this trip was to know great persons and then to say good-bye; the people that we would love having closer in our life; we hope that some of you could come to visit us since the doors of our house will be always, always opened hoping to receive you. Thanks to you we have always found the power to continue this trip, where the human encounter has been the greatest
As much as we have, as much as we want. And the big problem of the world is the ego, which wants more and more material things and that takes people to the power, and to the abuse of authority; and to the wars, the extortions, the profuse bleeding of distant countries for the benefit of the proper one.
On the other hand, if we learn to live with less (materially) then we can realize the things that really matter; then we will be able to live with the objects to our service, instead of being slaves of so many contracts, credit cards, video games, televisions and technological gadgets.
How good could be that the 'lucky ones' to live in the so-called ‘first world’ we would more conscious that our 'welfare state' is based on the exploitation of other countries and that every time we have more products of the whole world in the shelves of our supermarkets while more and more people of the world are forced to leave their small ancestral pieces of land and forced to go to live to infinite cities of 10 or 20 million inhabitants.
Something that also we learned is that each one in this world has his own way; and that to understand that is the way to the respect, the way to eliminate the racism; the way to carefully listen to the other.
Many have not even the opportunity to glimpse his way, buried under the misery, the miserable work conditions and the impossibility to receive an education and a quality culture; braking their backs day by day to bring home a bit of rice or potatoes.
But in the other side of the world we are those that we have of everything; where some of them work tirelessly then to waste the money, to buy his second or third car, or the last cellular or the sneakers that come for the new period. And to that is added the noise of the city, of the works, the music of the ipod that doesn’t stop, to help us to forget ourselves. Some so much and others so few
I close the eyes and I’m on board of a mototaxi on the Peruvian jungle; enjoying as children at full speed, seeing the people pass and forgetting the mosquitoes for a little bit.
I close them again and I am in
And suddenly I am in Ecuador , celebrating the summer arrival, Inti Raymi, in an Andean little town, dancing in circle to rhythm of the ‘quena’ (Andean flute) and the chichi (Andean alcohol).
Now I am in
I open them, I close them and we are in
And now in
and I am already at home,
to see my father, my mother
and soon I will see my sister and my friends;
and also soon Aneta will fly to Poland to see theirs …
the best wishes
Aneta and Francesc
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